Anna Koshmal

Anna Koshmal born in Kyiv on 22nd October 1994. Anna Koshmal is 27 years old. Unfortunately, no information regarding her siblings or parents can be found on the web. Anna is also Ukrainian origin and adheres to the Christian religion. Anna Koshmal 's net worth is estimated to be at $2.5 million. The money she earns comes from her acting in television and films. Anna also mentioned that modeling for magazines can be a way to earn extra money. Anna Koshmal had a dream of becoming an art since the age of six. Though she didn't know what she wanted to do in her life Anna Koshmal was determined. In her youth, Anna took many painting classes. Anna had vocal lessons along with contemporary dance classes. She is also an experienced painter. Komal's painting skills were discussed in a variety of interviews. Her parents made her study in a drama studio called Republic Kids after two months of studying. When she completed her studies in theater drama she was able to learn more about the art of acting as well as theatre dramas as a result of studying. After completing her studies in theater drama, she continued to study pop vocals under L. I. Utyosov. A movie casting crew cast her following her graduation from the Faculty of Music. The story goes as follows: Kvartal 95 Studio approached Anna Koshmal in the year she turned 17 years old. She was approached when she was studying in Republic Kids. Agents at the studio recognized that she was a talented actor. As the agents approached her, she had no idea what kind of role she was going for. The only thing she did was do a few songs she'd learnt and do a little acting in front of the agents. Her agency approved her almost quickly. Her first role in the acting program included Match Makers.

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